Monday, February 9, 2009


It was a rainy day in Phoenix yesterday.

We don't get many of those days.

So I took the day off and spent the entire day reading.

(okay, I also made a big pot of chili and cornbread, but

you NEED a big pot of chili and cornbread on a rainy day too!)

The book "Twilight" by Stephanie Meyer has 498 pages and

I read the WHOLE book yesterday.

Fortunately it is a very easy read.

The book takes place starting and ending in Phoenix,

Arizona and in the Olympia Pennisula in the middle and is about vampires!

Good vampires.
to read more about this book.
Stephenie has written several sequels AND
"Twilight" is being made into a movie!

One of my favorite tv shows while I was growing up was

Dark Shadows with the vampire Barnabas Collins.

I watched it with my great-grandmother after school.

Makes me wonder...........are there vampires amoung us?

What do you think?

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