I was looking on the internet one night for inspiration for a garden fountain. Instead of buying one we thought it would be fun to try to make one. I didn't find the perfect fountain project to make but I did find this really fun garden sculpture. I planted lobelia, impatients and some hearts and flowers, oh and a lemon thyme plant. This is going to look really cute when they start growing and start trailing down!
We finally got a new chair for our living room!
Mike finally has a LazyBOY.
He works really hard and he deserves to have a comfy chair!
I am trying out that quilt for the back wall. It is not quilted yet and I'm not completely sure it will find a home there, but it is auditioning for the part!
I've finished 2 quilts this last week, unfortunately the first one I forgot to take a picture of! So this sweet cat quilt is the second one I finished. I'm not a big fan of doing hand work (carpel tunnel surgery!) but I REALLY like this embroidered cat quilt! This would be a fun project to take along to just pull out and work on.
Here is a close-up of one of the kitties.
I quilted cats into the outside border of the quilt.
Well, I'm off to finish up some painting that I started yesterday.
I've got a really fun day planned tomorrow and I can't
hardly wait to take pictures and write about it!