Man o Man, last night my husband drug me to an Estate planning meeting. I did NOT want to go. I wanted to sit at home and watch Dancing with the Stars and work on beading my daughter's wedding veil. Well, I went to the Estate Planning workshop. I was not on my best behavior I'm ashamed to say. So I wasn't kicking and screaming, but I wasn't my usual pleasant self! Basically what I really wanted to do was put my head in the sand. Estate planning is not a very pleasant subject. However..........the meeting was informative and really something that needs to be done. So, grudgingly, I'm glad I went.

Finally my Living room has some color and is not longer only VANILLA! I've also finally found some curtains and some fabric to make a valance!
This is a picture of the accent wall I painted. I also painted over the green wall that I worked so hard on earlier. It just was not ri ght. The new turquoise color is great!

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