Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Spring Blooms Mini-Swap

I've recently joined a group of blogging quilters!
AND have signed up for a mini-quilt swap that they are holding.
There are 162 quilters from 23 countries participating in this swap.
(you can click on the icon on the right to see the rules of the swap)
Altho I have until June 22 to mail my mini-quilt out, I've decided to
try to get a head start on it so I won't be putting the final stitches in the
project on the way to the PO, like I usually do with many of the projects that I create.
We were given the rules and then the identity of our swap partner. Some of the participants had color preferances for the quilt they want to receive. The gal I will send to does not want your traditional spring type colors. This has been a real challenge for me! I am a little out of my comfort zone with the color scheme! So here is process that I have been going thru to start this quilt.

First I pulled out a bunch of quilt books and magazines to find the perfect pattern. Once that was complete I started going thru my fabric and pulling possible contestants.

Here is the pile:

Then a little more organized...........

My next step is to cut the shapes. I've layed them out and am pretty pleased with the colors. I sure hope that this is what my swap partner will like. She asked for something specific, but I don't want to put that here since she could very possibly read this! And I don't want to give her any clues!!!!!
Here are the bones of the quilt:

Next I will do some machine applique and piecing.
The rest of the little quiltlet will be going on a cruise with me
I dislike having idle hands, so I will happily sit on the deck of the ship,
look out at the water and sew to my heart's content!